Arihant Plus App
How Average price is calculated in delivery positions?
Arihant plus uses the First In, First out (FIFO) method for calculating the average price for overnight (Delivery) positions. Let’s understand this calculation by taking an example of Nifty Futures.
1st August
Total Order placed: - 2
1st Order:
Quantity: 225| Price: 10,000
Quantity: 75 | Price: 10,200
To calculate the average price, first calculate the value (Quantity x Price). Hence:
1st Trade: - Rs. 22, 50,000
2nd Trade: - Rs. 7, 65,000
Total Quantity: 300
Total Value: 30, 15,000
Divide total value by total quantity:
30, 15,000 ÷ 300 = 10,050
This is the Average price
On 5th August
Let us see what happens when you add a sell order to this:
Sell order placed on 5th August: 150 quantity (out of 300)
Price: - Rs.9, 050
Now the FIFO method will be applied here. The method will check the first trade (on the buy side).
In this case, its 220, so 150 will be deducted from 220. The balance left is shown below:-
After applying FIFO method,
Balance: - 225 - 75 = 150
(Note: In case the sell quantity was more than 225, then it would have moved to the next trade to deduct the remaining quantity)
Average price = Total Price ÷ Total Quantity
Average price: Rs. 15, 15,000.00 ÷ 150 = Rs. 10,100.00
This is how the FIFO method is used for calculating the average price. Calculation remains the same even if you are carrying it on the short sold position instead of the buy position.
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