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What documents are required to open a Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) account?

Type of DocumentsRequirementsSample PDF
Customer Application FormHUF Trading & Demat account opening form PDFHUF CAF Pre-filled demo sample
HUF PANA PAN card copy of the HUF (Seal of HUF & Karta's Signature required
KARTA PANSelf-attested Individual PAN card copy of karta.
HUF Address proofAddress proof of the HUF with HUF seal and Karta's signature. Can be a bank statement or passbook with a cancel cheque.
KARTA Address proofSelf-attested individual address proof of Karta (Aadhaar, driving license, voter ID, or passport). If Aadhaar is submitted, ensure the barcode is readable.
HUF  Bank account proofCancelled cheque with the HUF name printed (Seal of HUF & Karta's Signature required).
A bank statement or bank passbook copy  on which bank account number, MICR, and IFSC code clearly visible.(Seal of HUF & Karta's Signature will be required on it) 
HUF Declaration / List of CoparcenersHUF Declaration PDF
HUF Income ProofLatest year audited profit and loss statement.
Latest year Income Tax Return (ITR) acknowledgment.
Net-worth certificate from the chartered accountant with the UDIN number specified.
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