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What are the documents required to open a corporate account for a private or public limited company?

Type of DocumentsRequirementsSample PDF
Customer Application FormCorporate Trading & Demat account opening form PDFCorporate account Sample PDF
Company PANA PAN copy of the company with the seal and signature of the authorised signatory.
Authorised Signatories & Director  PanSelf-attested individual PAN copies of all the authorised signatories & directors (Minimun 2 whole time directores PAN will be required
Company Address proofAddress proof in the company's name with the seal and signature of the authorised signatory . The proof can be any of the following: certificate of incorporation, the latest month's transaction copy of bank statement With Cancel cheque, GST certificate .
Authorised Signatories & Director Address proofSelf-attested individual address proof (Aadhaar) of all the authorised signatories & directors.
Company Bank account proofA bank account proof of the company for linking with Arihant Capital . The proof can be any one of the following:
Personalised cancelled cheque with the company name printed on it.
A bank statement or bank passbook copy with the bank account number, MICR, and IFSC code clearly visible. ( Bank account statement with last 3 months transaction)
Board resolution on the company letterheadBoard resolution on the company letterhead PDFSample PDF
List of DirectorsList of Directors  PDFSample PDF
Latest shareholding patternLatest shareholding pattern  PDFSample PDF
If company is Private limited
& Share holding Parten less than 10% -No additional documents will be required of such share holders.
If shareholding is 10% or More than 10% -For Individual- Individual KYC will be required & for Non individua PAN & Share holding Partern will be required
List of Authorised signatoryAuthorised signatory list with specimen signature & sign acroos PhotographPDF
Certificate of incorporationA copy of the certificate of incorporation with seal and signature of authorised signatory.
Memorandum of Association (MOA)The Memorandum of Association (MOA) of the company, with authorised signatory seal and signature on the first 4 pages & on last page . If the director details are missing, an additional FORM-32 or DIR-12 copy must be submitted.
Articles of Association (AOA)The Articles of Association (AOA) of the company, with authorised signatory or director seal and signature on the first 4 pages. If the director details are changed , an additional FORM-32 or DIR-12 copy must be submitted.
Balance sheet & P&L account statementThe latest two financial years' balance sheet copy & P&L account statement with the seal and signature of the authorised signatory . The balance sheet must be attested by a Chartered Accountant (CA) and have the CA's name, CA company name, member registration number (M.NO), UDIN, date and city. The balance sheet has to be submitted every financial year after the account is opened.
Net-worth certificateA net-worth certificate from a Chartered Accountant (CA) if the company is newly incorporated. It must have the UDIN- number.
Individual KYC formIndividual KYC form  PDFrequired for the below candidates
  • Two whole time directors
  • Authorised signatory .
Income proofAny of the following income proof to activate the F&O and commodity segment
The latest six months' bank statement or passbook of the company account.
The latest year's audited profit and loss statement with Balance sheet
latest year's Income Tax Return (ITR) acknowledgement.
Net-worth certificate from the chartered accountant with the UDIN number specified.
DP holding statement of the entity.
UBOThis declaration is not needed for companies that are listed on any recognized stock exchange or is a subsidiary of such listed company or is controlled by such listed company  PDF
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