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Which process to be followed to open a corporate account If Director is NRI .

Below Additional documents required if the director is an NRI

Document TypeRequirement
PANNRI Director has to submit Self-attested copy of the PAN card
Address ProofSelf-attested copy of the overseas address proof. Here is the list of address proof -:
  • Driving licence,
  • Foreign passport,
  • Utility bills,
  • A bank statement,
  • Banker letter attested by the bank (on the bank's letterhead) (PDF), Mariner’s declaration or certified copy of Continuous Discharge Certificate (CDC) in case of Merchant Navy NRIs.
Self-attested copy of the Indian address proof if available.
Passport and VisaIn case of an Indian passport, a self-attested copy of a valid passport with the place of birth as India and a valid visa.
In case of a foreign passport, a self-attested copy of a valid passport, visa and the PIO, OCI or resident card.
Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) declarationFATCA declaration (PDF).
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