Where can I find Actionable Research on Arihant Plus?
First step is to login to the ArihantPlus app.
There are multiple discovery points from where you can reach Actionable Research stock recommendations on our application:
On the ‘My Account’ page on the top right side, there is an ‘R’ symbol that stands for Research. Tap on it to land on the Actionable Research page.
If you have no holdings in your portfolio, then you can find research calls under the ‘My Stock’ watchlist on ArihantPlus.
You can also find the Research section on the individual stock quote page of every stock. So for example, if you want to see research calls on TCS, search for TCS stock under Explore, and once the stock quote page opens you will see a “RESEARCH” tab next to the chart. Tap on the chart and all the open and recently closed research calls generated on the stock will be displayed in cards. If you want to go to the Actionable Research section with all the active calls, click on the ‘View All’ button on top.