Arihant Plus App
How to place IPO through Arihant Plus mobile application
Arihant Plus IPO shows the ones that are open and the ones that are going to come soon and also the closed ones. In open ones the deadline is mentioned so the user knows when it can be applied. The minimum amount and price ranges are mentioned so everything can be easily done. Also just enter price details and easily with UPI mode, IPO can be booked easily. Just made IPO booking simpler without running errands.
How to place IPO order through Arihant Plus?
1.Login to your application
2. On the bottom of the screen click on accounts
3. Click on IPO
4. You can see All, Open, Upcoming & closed IPO’s
5. Click on anyone IPO you wish to buy. You will get below screen, click on Apply for IPO
6. Click on Proceed
7. You will get the below screen
8. Enter the UPI ID, select agree and click on proceed. Your order will be placed.
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